New courses – Co-delivered with Micaela Drieberg, 3 Hills Consulting

After enjoying several conversations with Micaela Drieberg, 3 Hills Consulting, mostly around leadership, collaboration and community engagement, we decided to put together two courses. The first we are calling Engaging with Communities, which is designed for leaders, including elected representatives, about their role interacting and engaging communities around complex or controversial issues.


Micaela Drieberg

The second course is Infuencing Decision Makers. This is for practitioners, consultants, change agents and project managers who would like to work more effectively with decisionmakers, and especially, politicians. Both courses run for one day.

Micaela has some brilliant insights, uniquely equipped being an elected representative (and former Mayor), academic & practitioner. Sessions will be highly interactive, practical and stimulating.

For more information check the course links or simply give us a call.

Max Hardy                0418 217 261

Micaela Drieberg  0403 034 307


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