Influencing Decision Makers – A workshop for 16th July

Many professionals know how to engage and collaborate with communities, and with workforces. There are many courses available to learn how to do this too. Yet not so much attention has been given to how to engage and influence decision makers, despite recognition as to how crucial this is.

This workshop will assist participants’ understanding of working with and influencing decision makers. It will provide you with an overview of government processes and practical advice regarding points of influence. It will also assist you to identify points of entry, explore what influences decision makers and how these factors can impact outcomes. We will also use Appreciative Inquiry to tap into the wisdom and best experiences of all participants, when they successfully engaged a decision maker.

The session will be stimulating, practical and enjoyable, co-facilitated by a current local politician, consultant and academic, Micaela Drieberg, and ….. me!

Eventbrite - Influencing Decision Makers


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